How to cancel orders before you receive your product.
If you placed your order in the last 24 hours and wish to cancel it before we have contacted you to arrange delivery of your order please call us on 01937 843912 or email us with the date of purchase, your full name and address.
What if my order has already been delivered?
We want you to be happy with the goods and services that you receive from our us. We will refund goods purchased from our site, as long as the following requirements are met:
You have two days, from the receipt of goods, in which you can refund your order.
- You MUST inform us that you require a refund within two days.
- Purchases are returned in good condition and in original packaging, where appropriate, unless faulty.
- You must NOT destroy or dispose of any product, even if it is faulty, before arrangements have been discussed with us.
- The cost of return postage will be at your expense unless the goods are faulty.
Refunds will be made to you within 28 days of receipt of the returned goods, as long as you have followed all of the procedures and timeframes above and below.
Refunds will be made to your credit or debit card only, via Paypal, our online payment facility. Please note, this may mean your payment is refunded into your own Paypal account, depending on your own Paypal settings.
It is essential to initially notify us by emailing or calling us on 01937 843912 if you wish to cancel, return or refund your order.
Please note that when returning unwanted products (unless faulty) the customer will be held responsible for the cost of return transportation to us and may also be subject to a 20% handling charge due to the logistics involved in restocking the sleepers into our yards.
We are not responsible in any way whatsoever for any loss or damages you may suffer in relation to the information set out above, our returns or refunds policies or in relation to any goods or services you purchase or return.
Due to the nature of the product we sell, Fresh sawn timber sleepers, an element of deterioration should be expected once the sleeper adjusts to its new environment. The colour will fade in time, eventually turning a silvery grey. Cracking should be expected as the sleepers are fresh sawn and will have been part of a growing tree a couple of months before it has been supplied to you as a sleeper. When the tree is felled it stops taking in moisture and the drying process starts. Clearly this will inevitably result in an element of cracking. Further, like all other fresh sawn timber, sleepers may be subject to some movement with bending and twisting possible but not inevitable. We would not accept any liability with any of the issues above as these are all completely natural aspects associated with cutting down growing trees and placing them in your garden.